For technical reasons shipments will be suspended from 12/08 until 23/08. They will resume regularly on 26/08.
Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Ferrino works with trusted and suitably qualified suppliers, operating in accordance with specific quality plans based on the supplier own self-control systems and our own inspection visits. After being designed internally, Ferrino purchases the finished product from its suppliers (Value Suppliers) most of which are located in the Far East. The product is then sent to the final client after the last quality checks carried out at our headquarters (“PR00 Organizational Configuration”). In general, with our suppliers, especially our core suppliers, named here Value Suppliers, it is our custom to establish long-term relationships, based on principles of fairness, responsibility and mutual respect, as demonstrated by the diagram dedicated to the seniority of our Value Suppliers.

Growing together

We believe in the importance of long-term relationships with our suppliers: the synthesis of different skills and experiences, combined with the will to improve and grow together, these factors allow to create a high value product, a Ferrino product.

An international supply chain

The products branded Ferrino are the result of our design and know-how. The realization process is based on the choice of reliable partners, who allow us to guarantee high quality products. We consider our suppliers strategic partners and this because we establish a reciprocal trust relationship, by creating long-term collaborations based on principles of fairness, responsibility and mutual respect. We defined these suppliers "Value Suppliers".
50% of our suppliers have been with us for more than 10 years.

A careful selection

During the suppliers selection, we prefer well established and structured company owning environmental and/or social certifications.

Quality Control

Thanks to the quality controls carried out by our suppliers and at Ferrino's headquarters, we verify that the products meet our standards.

Clearness first

In order to establish long-term relationships, it is essential to share the objectives and rules. For all of the suppliers is mandatory to sign and follow the Safety Plan wrote by Ferrino’s group, this document establish the safety requirements for all the materials we use and the quality plans that establish the quality standards for production and the raw materials, as well as sharing the ethics code.

100% of suppliers join and respect the Safety Plan.
96% of suppliers have the environmental, social and quality certificates.