Ferrino with Va' Sentiero Sentiero to discover "Sentiero Italia" trekking

Ferrino it’s ready to start discovering the Sentiero Italia with the group of Va’ Sentiero, the largest trekking in world on the high lands of our country.
Yuri Basilicó, Sara Furlanetto e Giacomo Riccobono, deeply in love with the Italian mountains and theirs hidden treasures, will cover the Sentiero Italia, the largest trekking in the world, starting the 1st of May from Muggia (Trieste). They will be walking for more than 6.000 kms through the Alps and Apennines, visiting all the 20 Italian regions (from Friuli-Venezia Giulia to Sardegna) and more than 350 mountain sites.
This is not a sport competition, it’s rather a social initiative, based on the idea of sharing: an adventure told through the net and the social networks, an experience that aims to be a sight on the high Italian lands: the landscapes, the faces, the traditions, the dishes, the professions, the dialects...
Anyone can join the expedition for a short distance, personally testifying the centrality of the mountain and the importance of a sustainable approach with the environment.
A collective experience, respecting the places to revamp the natural and environmental priceless patrimony of our Country: “Through our journey, we aim to promote especially to our peers, the Sentiero Italia, all over the world and giving visibility to the high lands, amazing places unfortunately often forgotten, depopulated, abandoned to their own destiny.
2019 is the national Year of Slow Tourism: the right moment!” Yuri Basilicò (31) has declared, the creator of Va’ Sentiero.
Sharing the passion for mountain, for sustainable journeys, for the explorer spirit and the curiosity to discover the Sentiero Italia step-by-step, Ferrino has chosen to support the 3 guys taking part of this new venture providing them with backpacks, tents and sleeping bags indispensables to carry out their project.
The journey and the exploration based on the concept of responsible tourism and sustainability are key values that the company love to spread and sustain.
“It’s a pleasure for Ferrino to go with the Va’ Sentieros in this journey along an historical track of our country. The idea of enhancing trekking as the Sentiero Italia it’s consistent with what we have been doing for many years with the project of Greatest Italian Treks focused on some of the most suggestive trekking and less known of Italy in order to give value to the beautiful landscapes and environments strictly connected with the culture of the territory, telling the Italian identity that makes these places unique”
Anna Ferrino (CEO Ferrino)
On the 27 of April, the boys of Va’ Sentiero will be guests of Mujalonga Sul Mar, a national event of athletics for adults and children in the suggestive frame of Muggia (Trieste). Ferrino in collaboration with the shop Edelweiss di Opincina (TS) will attend with its own stand presenting the most important novelties of the new collection, stretching from trail running to trekking, from camping to the world of exploration.
Along the path of Va’ Sentiero, events will be organized in high altitude in collaboration with some mountain shelters: art performances and astronomic observation with the optical material of Ziel with the participation of famous scientific providers.
Meanwhile those events some real base camps will be setted up by Ferrino, hosting in this way the participants for one night under the stars.
Ferrino as the official partner will provide our trekkers with the equipment needed to face this long journey up and down the high lands.
These are some of the Ferrino products that will accompany Va’ Sentiero in this adventure:
FINISTERRE 38 backpack
LIGHTEC 900 SQ sleepingbag
LIGHTENT 2 lite tent
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